North Cheshire
Barn Owl Group

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Picture 01
North Cheshire
Barn Owl


Map of Area.
Sightings Form.
Owl Facts.
Nest Boxes
The Law.

Boundary of North Cheshire Barn Owl Group

The boundary would generally follow the Cheshire Country Boundary, the boundary is not fixed in stone and in all probability these boundary's would be crossed from time to time.
West The West Boundary would be just past Hale Light House
North The North Boundary would be as far as Glazebury
East The East Boundary would be as far as Glazebrook
South The South Boundary would be the M56, which will match up with the Mid Cheshire Barn Owl Conservation Group,

map 01

Click map to see larger image.

As a stated before these are only proposed boundary's and in all probability these boundary's would be crossed from time to time.

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Copyright Page Content, North Cheshire Barn Owl Group. All rights reserved
Copyright Photographs, Mid Cheshire Barn Owl Conservation Group
and Jonathan Miller. All rights reserved