North Cheshire
Barn Owl Group

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Picture 01
North Cheshire
Barn Owl


Map of Area.
Sightings Form.
Owl Facts.
Nest Boxes
The Law.

Barn Owls and the Law

Picture 05

The Barn Owl and its Breeding Sites are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. and is protected by two Schedules 1 and 9

These schedules protect the birds, nests, eggs and young these are protected by law, the fine for not complying with this is up to £5000 or imprisonment up to 6 months or both, it is against the law to.

  • Disturb a Barn Owl and/or its young.
  • Interfere with a Barn Owl.
  • Injure a Barn Owl.
  • Handle a wild Barn Owl.
  • Intentionally Kill a Barn Owl.
  • Take a Barn Owl.
  • To poses a Wild Barn Owl.
  • Take or destroy Barn Owl Eggs.
  • Check Barn Owl Breeding Sites without a licence (between April and October).
  • To Destroy, Damage or Remove a Barn Owl nest when in use.
  • To have a wild Barn Owl, dead or alive

It is also illegal to sell a Barn Owl without an Article 10 Certificate the bird must also have a closed leg ring or be microchiped (the certificate is issued by DEFRA)

It is also illegal to release a captive Barn Owl, at one time DEFRA would issue licenses to allow this, these licenses have know been withdrawn.

More Information

English Nature
DEFRA Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

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Copyright Page Content, North Cheshire Barn Owl Group. All rights reserved
Copyright Photographs, Mid Cheshire Barn Owl Conservation Group
and Jonathan Miller. All rights reserved