North Cheshire
Barn Owl Group

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Picture 01
North Cheshire
Barn Owl


Map of Area.
Sightings Form.
Owl Facts.
Nest Boxes
The Law.

Nesting Box Designs

There are basically three designs of nest/roosting box, depending on where it is to be fitted, the types are for a Tree, Pole and Internal type (inside a farmers barn), on top of this there are a number of National Barn Owl Groups which have different designs for each of the above, which ends up with a confusing number of designs and types, a few of the well know ones are shown below together with there web sites, go to there web site or write to them, a lot of the leaflets/fact sheets are free or for a small charge, the leaflets/fact sheets will also give details on where to install the box.

Tree boxes, the height of a Barn Owl Box should be roundabout 3m - 4.5m (10ft - 15ft) with a clear flight path. remove any branches etc in the way, so that the owl can see the entrance as it flies past.

Pole boxes, are usually mounted a bit higher around 4.5m - 6m (15ft - 20ft).

The box entrance should not face West to South West because of the driving rain, the best direction is south to South to East.

The position of an internal box in a barn will depend on the construction of the barn but will generally be fixed to the roof trusses, it should not be installed in the very top of the barn, as this will become very hot in summer.

Paint each piece of wood with Sadalin which has a 5 year guarantee, when fully assembled paint the outside surfaces with another coat of Sadalin for added protection.



External Tree Box, 'A' Frame Design (Hawk and Owl Trust).


Pole Box

The following are Barn Owl nest box details, different types and designs from the national groups, most of the groups also have information and nest box details for other owls.

The Barn Owl Trust down load a number of Free leaflets in PDF format. Excellent site for free information.
The Hawk and Owl Trust books and leaflets to purchase.
The Raptor Trust Fact sheet on creating an internal Barn Owl box .
The World Owl Trust nest box design.
FWAG Free Fact sheet on creating an internal Barn Owl box.
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Free fact sheet on an Internal Box.
Linconshire Wildlife Trust Free fact sheet on Internal Box.

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Copyright Page Content, North Cheshire Barn Owl Group. All rights reserved
Copyright Photographs, Mid Cheshire Barn Owl Conservation Group
and Jonathan Miller. All rights reserved