North Cheshire
Barn Owl Group

Telephone : 01925 728958
Email :

Picture 01
North Cheshire
Barn Owl


Map of Area.
Sightings Form.
Owl Facts.
Nest Boxes
The Law.

Join The North Cheshire
Barn Owl GroupOwl Picture

If you would like to join the North Cheshire Barn Owl Group. Please print this page then forward your completed application form to the address shown below, A standing order is included for your convenience but if you prefer to use a cheque this should be made payable to : "Mid Cheshire Barn Owl Conservation Group".

Membership Application

Type Of Membership (please tick)

Individual £3.00
Family £5.00
First Name.
Last Name.
Post Code.
Telephone No.
Mobile Phone.
E-mail address.

Please print and forward your completed form to :

The Membership Officer,
North Cheshire Barn Owl Group,
Lower Moss Wood,
School Lane,
WA16 8SJ. cheques this should be made payable to : "Mid Cheshire Barn Owl Conservation Group".


Standing Order

To (Bank) :
Address (Bank) :
Please Pay :
Barclays Bank PLC,
Holmes Chapel,
Sort Code : 20-53-77
Account Number : 50707686

Amount : £
Amount : (words)
Date of first payment :

Due date thereafter : 1st June annually
*Until notice in writing / Until the date
(* delete as applicable)
Please cancel all other standing orders or direct debits in favour of the above beneficiary

Account to be debited name :
Account to be debited sort code :
Account to be debited number :
Signature(s) :
Date :

Please print and forward your completed form to :

The Membership Officer,
North Cheshire Barn Owl Group,
Lower Moss Wood,
School Lane,
WA16 8SJ.

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Copyright Page Content, North Cheshire Barn Owl Group. All rights reserved
Copyright Photographs, Mid Cheshire Barn Owl Conservation Group
and Jonathan Miller. All rights reserved