North Cheshire
Barn Owl Group

Telephone : 01925 728958
Email :

Picture 01
North Cheshire
Barn Owl


Map of Area.
Sightings Form.
Owl Facts.
Nest Boxes
The Law.

Links to Other Sites

Local Barn Owl Groups

All Cheshire Barn Owl Groups
Mid Cheshire Barn Owl Conservation Group
Wirral Barn Owl Trust
Broxton Barn Owl Group (West Cheshire)
East Cheshire Barn Owl Group
South Cheshire Barn Owl Group
Mossland Barn Owl Conservation Group

National & other Barn Owl Groups

Hawk and Owl Trust
The Barn Owl Trust Free leaflets
World Owl Trust
Rushcliffe Barn Owls
Cheshire Wildlife Trust
The Raptor Trust  Barn owl nest information and plans
The Barn owl Centre of Gloucestershire
The Mammal Society Changes in the food of British Barn Owls
Essex Wildlife Trust
Leek, Staffordshire, Wildlife Group If you see a barn owl please contact Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

Other Local Groups

Green Cheshire Environmental resource site for the Cheshire area, includes educational resources, a conservation discussion forum and links to local groups
North Cheshire RSPB
Woolston Eyes Conservation Group
Cheshire Water Life Centre (Aquatic Falconry Centre)

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Copyright Page Content, North Cheshire Barn Owl Group. All rights reserved
Copyright Photographs, Mid Cheshire Barn Owl Conservation Group
and Jonathan Miller. All rights reserved